

3937 Uppsatser om APU approach - Sida 6 av 263

Hållbart nyttjande av vattenresurser på Gotland : vision och verklighet

Fresh water has become more and more of a scarce commodity. Water scarcity isn't first and foremost a cause of drought and wasting, but a cause of inequality and mismanagement. This is not only a problem for developing countries, and there can also be variations within countries. The municipality of Gotland has a development program called Vision Gotland 2025, with goals for growth and sustainable development. The aim of this study is to examine whether the use and management of water resources on Gotland and Vision Gotland 2025 is conformed to the Water Framework Directive and the Ecosystem Approach in terms of sustainability.

Bröstcancer och sexualitet

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

Vi i individualismens samhälle? : En studie över fackföreningsorganisationens ställning i det individualistiska samhället

In Sweden, the labour movement historically had influenced both society and politics. In recent times, it is considered a change in society with a stronger employer party while the unions weakened by reduced unionisation. This study aims to highlight the presence of individualistic and collectivistic approaches to the labour market in relation to union density. The different approaches are investigated in the labour market by means of a quantitative survey. The study's survey items are workers in the timber industry.

Vuxnas ansvar - en studie om barns möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande i utformandet av förskolans miljö

This essay aims to investigate how students raised in Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced their career counseling during their middle and high school education. My main objectives are, based on the testimonies of former Jehovah's Witnesses, to investigate how career counselors can find a strategy to approach these students in a non-threatening way. I also try to take into account the contextual elements which are of great importance when counseling students raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. A qualitative study has been carried out with five informants with a background in the movement. The material has then been analyzed using a qualitative, narrative method.

Prestionsmått : En granskning av tio välgörenhetsorganisationers årsredovisningar

Background and problemThe biggest difference between companies and non-profit organizations are their purposes. Companies? purpose is to generate profit to the shareholders. Non-profit organizations do not have any shareholders and their purpose is to offer service to receivers of benefits.There are a lot of non-profit organizations today and the competition for the donations is rough. Non-profit organizations can influence the publics? decision of who to support by creating a financial reporting that appeal to the public.PurposeThe purpose of this essay is to examine how non-profit goals are measured in non-profit organizations and if there are a practice on the subject.MethodologyWe choose a qualitative approach as we wanted to understand the reality by explaining it with words.

Upplevelser av rektorsrollen : en studie av tre rektorer

 This report is about the principle and his / her role at the school it?s also about how the principle understands the role, its expectations and the demands connected. The facts are based on deep detailed interviews with three different principles. The theoretical approach is coming from ?hermeneutiken? and ?Gadamers? ideas regarding how an individual is creating the world and the surroundings to act within.

Den kvantandliga diskursen : En undersökning av nyandlighetens möte med kvantfysiken

This paper aims to describe and elaborate on a recent discursive change within the new-age movement. Since the seventies and the publishing of speculative popular science books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and The self-aware Universe by Amit Goswami, the idea that quantum physics resonates with spirituality has become the topic of hundreds of books and movies.The quantum-spiritual discourse has three distinct ways to approach quantum physics in its discussion on spirituality: The parallelistic approach which emphasizes the similarities between eastern philosophies and modern physics, the monistic-idealistic approach which tells us that mind is the foundation of matter and the scientific spiritual approach which tries to explain spiritual claims scientifically. In the quantum-spiritual discourse, quantum physical phenomena (e.g. non-locality and entanglement) are being called upon to validate metaphysical statements. The primary assumption of the discourse is that the shift of paradigm due to the establishment of modern physics also is a shift of paradigm of spirituality.With the object to examine the common claims made in the discourse, cross-references between spiritual arguments and facts of quantum physics are being made.

Tankar och erfarenheter kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Tre röster ur skolans värld

The purpose with this essay is to illustrate what divides and unites three educationalists approach on ?children in need of special support? within the first years of school. Three educationalists with significant positions within the school system have been chosen for interviews. On basis of the results of the interviews three themes has been selected and divided into the conceptions; ?children in need of special support?, ?resource? and ?a school for everyone?.

Kampen för livet : Unga vuxnas hantering av sin cancersjukdom

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

Vårdkedjeprojektet : En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet Rällsögården

An evaluation: how have the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? been implemented at the treatment centre of RällsögårdenThis evaluation was commissioned on behalf of the treatment centre of Rällsögården. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? (VKP) have been implemented in the institutional care at the treatment centre of Rällsögården. This study was focused on the following questions: a) how is the function ?internal coordinator? experienced by staff at Rällsögården, b) in the function of internal coordinator what aspects are thought of as effective/non-effective concerning the cooperation with ?external coordinators? and contact with clients and staff, c) how is Vårdkedjeprojektet and its treatment approach ?Community Reinforcement Approach? (CRA) experienced by coordinators, clients and staff and d) how well is the aftercare functioning for clients who have finished their treatment at Rällsögården, and still participate in VKP?The choice of research method was triangulation; a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Barns delaktighet i användningen av media och IKT i förskolan

Today's children characterized and named according to Palfrey and Gasser for digital natives. Children are shaped by the use of media and ICT (Information- and Communication Technology) in a natural way. If their participation in environments where the media and ICT is common, it leads to other conditionsthan the previous generations. The purpose of this study was to understand and describe what teachers say and do to create involvement in children's use of media and ICT tools. The former media education development works carried out at preschools in Piteå municipality was the starting point and inspiration for the study. Study was based on a qualitative approach. Qualitative interviews and participant observations were carried out at one preschool in Piteå.

Intranät 2.0 : Intranätsansvarigas uppfattningar av interaktivitet på intranät

My aim is to provide knowledge about ways of understanding Intranet as a communication artifact. Today organizations plan to update their technology so as to make the communicative functions of Web 2.0 come true. With this objective in mind organizations will be prepared to meet social demands among staff. After interviewing intranet managers I have compiled qualitative data in categories. My approach is influenced by a phenomenographic approach.

Säljytan - En studie om hur butikschefer arbetar med butikens säljyta

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

SwiftSense Wardrobe

Addressing increasing global environmental problems requires greater resource efficiency, and one way of working towards this is through industrial symbiosis. Industrial symbiosis means that companies collaborate through sharing of resources for collective benefits. The documented benefits of working with industrial symbiosis indicate that there is potential for companies to operate commercially with facilitation of industrial symbiosis. An interesting company to study within this context is Econova. Econova operates within the recycling and gardening industry and has been identified as a possible catalyst for industrial symbiosis.

Skanska and their strategic Polish suppliers: Analysis of the buyer- supplier relationship against the interplay of pricing strategy, supply chain policies and culture

Researchers and practitioners have recognized the need for ?transforming? every policy of the company into a competitive advantage tool. Thus, both the pricing approach and the supply chain practices of the firm have emerged as an important determinant of success. In this study, however, we are not only interested in these two aspects, but also in a third one-namely cultural conflicts as an obstacle and challenge. The interaction of the tree factors is extensively presented against the backdrop of Skanska and four of their closest Polish suppliers.

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