

3946 Uppsatser om APU approach - Sida 47 av 264

Brand equity in the industrial purchase decision : a case study of the Swedish market for agricultural machinery

High brand equity is a great asset for companies that operate their business in a free and competitive market. Brand equity can arise from both product-related and non-product related attributes and may be viewed from many different perspectives. This study examines which different attributes that contribute to enhance brand equity from customers point of view at the Swedish market for agricultural machinery. The study have been developed using a comprehensive literature search in order to investigate the field regarding brand equity and brand image. The literature review results in one product specific and one non-product specific approach in order to examine factors that contribute to enhanced brand equity. This takes the form as one survey-based approach regarding the non-product related attributes which is examined by interpreting the extra value added by different attributes.

Lågkostnadsflyg i Sundsvallsregionen : Har de boende flygpreferenser liknande den typiska lågkostnadsresenären?

Companies need to receive feedback in order to understand how they should adjust to shifting demands in the market. This study focuses on the Mystery Shopping process and the information it provides. Through qualitative interviews information was gathered which identifies Mystery Shopping as an approach where companies actively seek information withthe help of anonymous ?shoppers?. This method is compared to other research methods in order to identify the characteristics of Mystery Shopping.

Vad sägs om läxa? : En diskursanalys om läxans roll i hem och skola

This paper addresses the role of homework within the home and school environments using a qualitatively approach inspired by discourse analysis method and theory. The paper considers three newspaper articles to identify current attitudes and understanding regarding homework?s role. The paper?s structure brings results and analysis together allowing the discussion to be continuously extended and deepened.

Användning av och kunskap om Business Rules i svenska organisationer

Denna uppsats inleds med en introducerande undersökning där vi finner att mjukvaror för förvaltning av Business Rules inte är använt av många svenska organisationer. Förundersökningen drev oss att undersöka hur Business Rules förvaltas inom svenska organisationer. Först sammanställdes en översikt över de fakta som finns tillhands inom ämnet för Business Rules samt lämpliga sätt att hantera Business Rules. Genom de förberedande studierna identifierades några brister som kan finnas i svenska organisationer som inte använder Business Rules och dessa ledde till en första och övergripande forskningsfråga. Frågan formulerades som följer: Hur förvaltas BR i IS och IT i svenska organisationers dagliga verksamhet? Den har sedan delats upp i sju stycken delfrågor som framställts utifrån problemområdet.

How to future proof a Business Model : Capture and capitalize value in the field of Urban Mining

Context: During the 21st century several alarming reports have been published that deals with the depletion and pollutant of the earth by human interference. The earth is an ending resource and so are the mountains and bedrocks which are continuously mined in order to harvest its minerals. The idea behind Urban Mining is to (re)invent processes enabling further purpose for materials both from old deposits and new products providing secondary raw materials and energy. This thesis aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities of how firms and organizations can and will be able to strike a better balance between product-/service systems, economic growth and environmental stewardship in the context of Urban Mining as an approach. With the innovation of processes, technology, business- planning and creation in focus.Objective: How to future proof a business model for Urban Mining by the usage of business model design.Method: This thesis will be conducted using a case study approach, meaning that it will incorporate qualitative, exploratory and descriptive characteristics - aiming towards enabling both applied and fundamental research.Results: The result evaluates the business model element differences between traditional C&D industry and Urban Mining industry.

Sequi : Tredimensionell sequencer

Music production software has a strong tradition of two-dimensional graphical user interface (GUI), in which the time line is represented as a flat composition either horizontally (from left to right) or vertically (from top to bottom). In my degree work titled Sequi, I approach music composition from a different angle. Instead of a two-dimensional time line with only two possibly ways of progression (forward or backward) I constructed a three-dimensional GUI with the maximum of four different ways of progression from any given point in a composition. The height axis is used to describe time-intervals (the time between downbeats) and the wide and depth axes are used to describe progression from one sound to another..

Hur banken kan förbättra sin finansiella rådgivning : - en kvalitativ fallstudie

AbstractTitle: Level/Degree/Grade:Authors:Supervisor:Research question:Purpose:How the bank may improve its financial counselling ? A qualitative case study.Bachelor Thesis; Business administration; Corporate finance.Andreas A?strand, Anton Persson, Kristoffer Wedebrand.Hans Mo?rner.How may the bank improve its financial counselling to private investors using portfolio theory?Our purpose is to examine the advice, with basis in portfolio theory, the bank?s financial advisors provide to their clients, the investors, and how they can improve. If we can identify and point out areas of improvement in the financial counselling, we hope to raise the question and contribute with an improved financial counselling. Another positive effect we are hoping for is to improve the situation for the investors whereas all parties benefit from an improved portfolio selection.This study is conducted through a qualitative case study, where we used a deductive approach and collected our data through personal interviews.The conclusion that emerges is that the financial counselling could potentially be improved if financial advisors improve their knowledge in portfolio theory.The originality shapes through the opportunity to investigate a specific bank and because of that an opportunity to examine a specific case more thoroughly was created. Our thesis contributes with opening La?nsfo?rsa?kringar?s and other banks? eyes to how their financial counselling could be improved through new knowledge in portfolio theory.

A Green Belt of synergies : a study on the implementation of a contemporary Green Belt

The prevailing urban migration is a worldwide process. This results in growing cities and a diminishing proportion of people living in the countryside. As the urbanization continues a large amount of the world?s population is expected to live in urban settlements of informal character by 2050. Green Belt has for many years been used to control urban growth and to secure the sustention of larger green areas around towns and cities.

Företags förberedelser inför revisorns besök

This dissertation discusses the preparations companies do when their auditor is about to visit them. We wanted to investigate if companies do some form of preparations with the intense of trying to influence the auditor in an, for the company, advantageous way. The purpose was to be fulfilled through the deductive process of theorization and from the gathering of empirical and the analysis of this data. We decided that a multiple case study would be the best approach for us, as we wanted to undertake a greater number of interviews than is normally done in a case study. The result from our study showed that auditors think that information from a company is more reliable, if its documentation is neatly kept, or if the relationship between the auditor and the company is good.

Kravmärkt? : en studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om krav och förväntningar i deras studiesituation

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the variation in perceptions of demands and expectations of study performance among a group of students at an upper secondary school. The study is inspired by a phenomenographic approach in which variations in perceptions of a phenomenon are of importance. Twelve students at a science program participated and were interviewed in groups of four. The results show that among the students there are several different perceptions of the demands and expectations to perform they felt present in their lives. The most important result is that it is the students' own demands and expectations on their performance and study results that are seen as the most demanding..

Värvningsförbud av anställda och konkurrensbegränsande samarbeten

This thesis focuses on employers? use of non-­?solicitation of employees in commercial contracts within the union?s internal market and how this can result in restrictive practices in violation of European law. Using legal method, legal economic considerations, and guidance from modern American legal development in antitrust law, this thesis is aiming to investigate how this kind of anticompetitive cooperation in the European labor market should be assessed. The result seems to be that despite a distinct and pronounced restrictive approach to the application of EU competition rules in the labor market, there are strong incentives and not any legal impediment to apply Article 101 TFEU on no cold call agreements between employers. .

Kan ett konkret arbetssätt påverka lusten till matematik?

The purpose behind this work was to investigate whether I could from a practical approach to create desire for mathematics among students in primary schools. I wanted also to find out how students feel about their current mathematics teaching. By introducing an equation game, and interviewing students to find out their perception of their mathematics teaching, I was able to answer my questions. What I came to was that through a practical and laboratory work, I could create an enjoyable educational opportunity in mathematics. Then during the interviews I also learned that students had not a pre-determined negative attitude towards mathematics.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineerswith focus on mesh, quality and convergence

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, incollaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a companyoperating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitatesnew ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis.Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since SaabDynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a usermethodology with clear guidelines. Due to lack of time, they chose to assign thetask to students, which resulted in this thesis.The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology in mechanical design, wherethe designer uses the FE analysis early in the design process to develop thestructures' mechanical properties.

Attraktion: en fenomenologisk studie om upplevelsen av att attrahera

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals perceive the process of sexual/romantic attraction. A phenomenological approach was used, where the participants were asked to reflect as freely as possible upon a question formulated by the authors. 13 persons were selected through purposive sampling, eight men and five women, all between 20 and 30 years old were interviewed but only 8 were analyzed through phenomenological based software MCA-Minerva. The results showed that all participants talked about three steps; eye contact, closing the distance and conversation. In the latter step they differed regarding actions taken to attract.

Konsumentprisindex för kläder och skor 1986-2005 - Dekomponering och prognostisering

The essay initially intends to find adequate models to describe and forecast monthly data for the Swedish Consumer Price Index sub group Clothes and Shoes 1986-2005. The time series observations during 2006 are considered ?out of sample period? which is used to evaluate the forecasts. The purpose is to perform time series decomposition and to investigate and analyzethe seasonal pattern. The Box-Jenkins approach is used to find adequate ARIMA models.

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