

3946 Uppsatser om APU approach - Sida 29 av 264

Omlastningsteminal - En studie av miljöeffekter vid införande av omlastningsterminal och ruttplaneringssystem i Kalmar kommun

 Title:Transshipment Terminal ? A study of environmental effects from the introduction of a transshipment terminal and a route planning system in the municipality of Kalmar Examiner:Andersson, PetraKey words:Transshipment terminal, route planning, environmental impact Purpose:The study aims to examine how a transshipment terminal and a route planning system may have implications for the municipality of Kalmar from environmental concerns. Methodology:The thesis is a case study on the municipality of Kalmar. A positivistic -and an objectivistic approach have been used. The strategic approach that was used was quantitative.

Motivation : Hur motiverar en butikschef inom detaljhandeln sina anställda i syfte att förbättra kundservicen samt öka försäljningen

Intense competition and pressure from various market participants is prevalent in today?s modern and technologically developed society. It is important to keep a high standard of service and customer care to be able to keep your position on the market. The focus of the paper is to study how a store manager can influence their employees to perform better on the job, in terms of service to customers and increased sales. The aim is to analyze the different tools store managers use to motivate their employees with the goal of improving service to the customer and to increase sales.

Jakten på legitimitet : En studie om konsult/klient relationens initieringsfas

Introduction: The work process of a consultant can be divided into five different stages, where the entry stage is the most important when linking the subject to legitimacy. A great deal of research regarding legitimacy exists, although within areas outside of consulting. Through examining consultant's and potential client's perception of what legitimacy is and how it is created we can determine the importance of the phenomena in building a business relationship between these parties. Research question: How does legitimacy arise between a consultant and a client in the entry stage of a work relationship? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of how legitimacy is created in the initial stage of a new consultant/client relationship. We also intend to examine the qualities and circumstances which lead to a consultant to acquire an assignment. Method: We have, from an inductive approach of research, collected empirical data in order to gain a deeper understanding of legitimacy in the initial stage of a consultant/client relationship.

Demokratiteoretisk analys av läromedel i Samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie om det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY-2011

This qualitative study is done with the purpose of creating understanding for the theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education courses 1a1 and 1b during GY-11, so teachers create an intentional approach when using educational materials in their democratic education. This was motivated as important considering the reduction in obligatory Civic Education for the vocational programs. The study was conducted using a hermeneutic qualitative reading method where the educational materials, more specifically two series with one book for each course, was read with purpose of creating understanding for the democratic content according to ideal democratic models: deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy. A text voice analysis was also conducted using Bakhtins theory of dialogic and monologue text that contributed to the general result concerning the democratic content. The results show that the electoral democracy ideal is dominant in all educational materials, there is hence no striking difference between the democratic content in 1a1 and 1b educational materials.

?Men dom kan ju i alla fall läsa? ? Litteratur på teckenspråk

The goal of this Master?s thesis is to explore the approach and general attitude of public libraries regarding Sign Language Literature. There is a need to study and advance how the deaf can find ways to read in their own language, as it is as important to them to be able to read in their language, as it is to the next hearing person. The purpose is to define and explain the full capacity of the problem. In the process of research, by investigating how library staff approaches and deal with deaf patrons, the nature of the patron-staff relationship is revealed.

Polisens utlämnande av hemliga personuppgifter via direktåtkomst : Om lagstiftarens avvägning mellan verksamhetseffektivitet och personlig integritet

By studying a place or a phenomena research contributes to the creation of the image of the thing that he or she studies. Also, planning is seen as a democratic tool, a way to ?make? democracy. In order to see what democratic ideals that is being express it becomes important to study the research about democracy in Botkyrka. It is from this thinking this study about democracy and research has been formed.

Införandet av värdering av materiella samt finansiella tillgångar till verkliga värden : och dess påverkan på borgenärsskyddet

Title: The implementation of valuation of tangible and financial assets to fair value ? and its effects on the creditor protectionCourse: Bachelor theses in business accounting, 10 Swedish creditsAuthor: Sam EspelandAdvisor: Ogi ChunKey words: IAS 16, 39, 40, fair value, creditor protection, equityPurpose: The purpose with the essay is to examine how the implementation of the IAS standards that regard valuation to fair value, effects the equity and how the effects on equity affects the creditor protection.Methodology: The essay is using both a quantitative and a qualitative approach in which the quantitative part constitutes of data collection from annual reports and the qualitative part constitutes of interviews.Theoretical perspective: The theory gives a thorough understanding in how the IAS standards are designed, furthermore the procedure at liquidation and lack of capital is being treated, moreover some relevant terms and concepts are being treated.Empirical foundation: This chapter is divided into two parts, in one part the results from the quantitative approach is being presented in diagram form, and in the other part the interviews are being presented.Conclusions: The implementation will give a higher equity for most real estate companies, but likely also for example the mining industry. The creditor protection will likely be worsened among the industries that experience an increase in equity since their activities may proceed for a longer time before they have to be liquidated..

Den organisatoriska strukturens påverkan på Agile i praktiken

Agile as an idea was created in 2001 through the Agile Manifesto with focus on social relationships, communication and flexibility. This was a reaction to the traditional, hierarchical organization with the goal of restoring balance within organizations in the IT business. Today we can see a transit of Agile from the IT-industry to other industries and areas, such as HRM.There is a challenge in attempting to traditionally control a social idea such as Agile, and there is a lack of empirical studies of the organizational context and its effect on the interpretation of Agile in practice. This study is an attempt to connect Agile to the science of business administration.The purpose with this study is therefore to research the organizational contexts effects on the interpretation of Agile in practice, within IT and HRM. Where Agile is established or well known.To fulfill our purpose we chose social constructivism as our scientifically approach, and conducted 12 in-depth interviews.

Socialt arbete och hållbar utveckling, hur då? : En kvalitativ studie om socialt arbete och hållbar utveckling i två arbetsintegrerande sociala företag.

The aim of this study was to examine how two integrating social enterprises relate to and combines social, ecological and economic sustainability and how they work with sustainable development in the field of social work. The study has been focusing on three questions: What are the values underpinning ?Macken? and ?Vägen uts? approach to sustainable development? What motivates these companies to work with ecological sustainability in the creation of new jobs? How do these companies combine social, ecological and economic sustainability? To answer our questions we have been interviewing nine employees through semi-structured interviews combined with observations and this study was analysed through a symbolic perspective. The conclusion of this study showed that these companies worked with specific themes to reach social sustainability. Recurring themes in the study was empowerment, recovery and the employee?s own experience of exclusion.

Olikheter mellan den norska och svenska klädmarknaden - en studie av Lindex

In today?s fashion market there are a great number of actors that offer a huge selection ofproducts. The fashion world today covers the whole world and a result of this, the competitionamong fashion companies are enormous, leading to a tough climate for companies in today?sfashion industry. There is an overproduction of goods on the market and companies mustcompete for customers because of today's homogeneous goods and prices.

Kapitalreglering - Finansmarknadernas räddning, eller bara ett spel för galleriet?

Background: The regulation of banks is increasing in order to stabilize the financial market. Despite this increase in regulation, financial crises still continue to occur. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is gradually increasing the capital requirements for banks, yet the increase in capital requirements doesn?t seem to solve the problem. This raises the question: how does capital regulation affect banks? Purpose: The purpose of this study is, primarily to illustrate the effects that capital regulation has on risk and efficiency on banks within the European Union, but secondary also study the relationship between risk, efficiency and capital regulation.Method: To achieve the purpose of this study, a deductive approach has been used, where the problem is assumed to be due to an agency problem.

Generationsväxlingen ? De gamla ska man ära, de unga ska man lära?

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine how managers apprehend today's leadership and how they believe that future leadership will be influenced and developed when the people bourn during the nineteen forties pass on their management positions to a younger generation.Method: I share the hermeneutic view on science. I believe that knowledge is born with in the person who seeks to obtain it. I have chosen to conduct my study using a qualitative and inductive approach. I use an inductive approach as I answer my questions by using interviews in order to respond to my question at issues, and assumes from the empiric in my study.Result & Conclusions: The leadership role has changed from being? the one who decides?,? the director?, to becoming less peculiar and prestige.

Matematik - En studie om hur sex lärare i årskurs 1- 3 resonerar kring olika val av arbetsmetoder i matematik

The aim of my study is to examine how six teachers discuss their choices of work methods in teaching mathematics, as well as the methods they are currently using and what they have based their choices on. This study also covers how these teachers approach educational planning and where they get inspiration for their teaching material, and finally the advantages and disadvantages of each method according to the teachers. To be able to fulfill my purpose of this study some questions had to be considered: How do these teachers approach the planning of studies of mathematics and where do they find ideas for their lesson planning? Which methods do these teachers use in the teaching of mathematics and what are the reasons behind their choices of methods? Which advantages and disadvantages do these teachers see in the methods they use during the teaching of mathematics? This is a qualitative study, mainly based on qualitative research interviews according to an interview guide. Six teachers, from five different elementary schools, grade 1- 3, have been interviewed for this study.

Användbar användarmedverkan : Är användarmedverkan positivt för systemutvecklingsprocessen?

Computer use at work has risen considerably over the past fifteen years and is currently a relatively common phenomenon when 76 percent of women and 72 percent of men using the computer in their daily work (SCB Arbetsmiljörapport 2009).According to Gulliksen and Göransson (2009), Sweden is one of the countries which are more advanced in the procurement of computer systems at work. He means that Sweden has unique opportunities and conditions for user participation in the development of computer systems, when the user has the right to influence their working environment through a law in the Work Environment Act. The paper examines the importance of user involvement in system development and the Swedish company's approach and experience of user involvement. To highlight and explore the importance of user involvement, there has been a case study in which users have been representative of the development process. The case study has been conducted on a case company where the system IST analys was in need of a new interface.

Det gäller att vara konkret! : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på tvåspråkiga barns språkutveckling i en förskola och i en förskoleklass

The study is based on Lev Vygotskijs and John Dewey's learning theory. Such is ?the zone for immediate development? and ?learning by doing?.Purpose: The study's purpose was to examine how four teachers´ work with bilingual children's language development in a preschool and in a preschool class. These questions will be answered in my study: 1). which view of bilingualism have been the educators? 2).

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