

749 Uppsatser om AMS capacity - Sida 26 av 50

Effektiv mjölkproduktion : en fallstudie av effektiviteten i svenska, tyska och nederländska mjölkproducerande företag, samt en kartläggning av effektivitetspåverkande faktorer

In a time when milk producing farm businesses face decline in profitability it is of great importance to examine how the situation can be improved. This thesis is a study off efficiency in milk producing farm businesses represented by Swedish, Dutch and German farms. The aim of this study is to investigate whether any differences exist between companies in these countries. Moreover, the study includes a mapping of a number of factors that determine how efficient milk production can be managed. This mapping is based on a literature review on prior efficiency studies followed by qualitative interviews with milk production advisors as well as a questionnaire sent out to dairy farmers in Sweden.


?Boverket? the Design Regulations in Sweden, also called BKR has for a long timebeen the mandatory standard that has guided and regulated construction design. Butat the end of 2010 BKR was replaced with Eurocode. This report deals with thecomparison of these two standards when it comes to wood construction. Duringwinter 2009/2010 there were many roof collapses due to excessive loads on theroofs across Sweden.

En flödesutjämnande driftstrategi för Uppsalas fjärrvärmesystem : En ändrad styrning av framtemperaturen

This thesis examines a possible control strategy to minimize flow fluctuations in Uppsala?s district heating system. High variations in flow rate may lead to complications caused by hydraulic constraints in the district heating system. These complications, such as inadequate pressure and temperature levels, increase the risk of heat delivery failures. It is therefore important to avoid such situations both for the producer and for the customers.Typically, the forward temperature is controlled by using a rough correlation with respect to the outdoor temperature.

Har män ett kollektivt ansvar för den strukturella underordningen av kvinnor? ? Kollektivt moraliskt ansvar ur ett feministiskt perspektiv

The overarching aim of this essay is to analyze, from a feminist point of view, the moral responsibility for the structural oppression of women. In this discussion I focus on the issue of moral responsibility for sexual violence against women, such as rapes. I claim that a feminist theory of moral responsibility has to be based on a collectivist approach. I argue that men should be considered as collective moral responsible for the structural oppression of women. However, it is important that we analyze the interaction between actor and structure.

"Det är inte så ofta jag känner mig delaktig för jag räcker inte upp handen så ofta så det är egentligen mitt eget fel kanske" : En kvalitativ studie om sex elevers egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av dialog och delaktighet i årskurs ett

According to the curriculum Sweden?s elementary school is to educate students in subjects such as "Listening, debating and argumentation". I ask myself if this is actually something that every student is being provided with. The purpose of this study is to gain additional information about children?s participation in the classroom.

Experimentella och teoretiska uträkningar för skruv- och bäddhållfasthet för takinfästningar mot stålstomme

Lättelement located in Örnskoldsvik AB is one of Sweden's leading companies in the development of building elements in the form of roofs, walls and floors made ??out of light beams. The company has clients from Lund to Kiruna, and from Norway. This means that the elements have high standards when they have to take many different loads from wind and snow due to such wide geographic variation.The roof elements are structured so that the main body is made of light beams with an I?profile.

Myten om partnerskapet: Om institutioner, rationaliserade myter och regionala tillväxtprogram

The overarching goal of this paper is to explain the intensive occurrence of partnerships ? regarded as a specific organizational structure ? in the formulation and implementation of Regional Growth Programs.By using theoretical concepts from new institutionalism, the paper tries to examine the explanatory capacity of this theory in the specific case of partnerships. The basis is a skeptical stance towards the conventional interpretation that views partnerships as rational organizational tools. Hence, the purpose of the paper is also to compare our own institutional explanation with the conventional.The paper finds that the occurrence of partnerships can be understood as the effect of an intensive institutional pressure. The government has, in what we regard as the institution for regional development, prescribed the partnership as a rational solution ? a rationalized myth - to the regional growth problem.

Faktorer som påverkar vindkraftsutbyggnaden

Wind power is expanding rapidly in Sweden. Increasing amounts of wind power sets higher requirements on balancing power and grid expansions and would affect the whole Swedish electricity system. The aim of this report is to examine the factors affecting the wind power expansion in Sweden. How many wind power plants projects will obtain building permissions and what costs and revenues can be expected? How much balancing power will be required and does a changing geographical distribution of the wind power plants reduce the need of balancing power?A survey of the county board?s official applications has been made and out of all the applications, corresponding to 80 TWh produced per year, about half of the applications are expected to obtain a permit with a major portion of them located in the north of Sweden.Especially older wind power plants, deriving revenue from Nord pool, find themselves today in a complicated financial situation.

100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn

Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people?s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one ?story?, collectively with literary studies.The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration.

Jakten på vårdplatser som inte finns : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Vårdplatserna på svenska sjukhus har minskat drastiskt det senaste decenniet.  Detta har inneburit en högre beläggning på de kvarvarande och medfört längre väntetid på landets akutmottagningar. Platsbristen skapar, ibland dagliga, överbeläggningar och utlokaliseringar av patienter.Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor och läkare upplever att vårdplatssituationen påverkar deras arbete och vad detta får för konsekvenser för patienterna.Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre läkare och nio sjuksköterskor från akutvårdsavdelning med inriktning infektion, mottagning med akutintag och akutmottagning. Analysarbetet genomfördes med Malteruds (2009) innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vårdplatssituationen kommer sig av en brist på vårdplatser inom främst medicindivisionen, samt en oförmåga att hålla de platser som finns öppna på grund av sjuksköterskebrist. Bristen på vårdplatser har inneburit en oförmåga för läkare och sjuksköterskor att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med sin kompetens och beprövad erfarenhet.Slutsats: Svårigheterna med att finna platser till patienterna på deras hemavdelningar samt de ständiga omflyttningarna av patienter medför svårigheter för vårdpersonalen att ge god medicinsk vård och omvårdnad vilket medför stora risker för patientsäkerheten.

Vägval: kortast, snabbasteller hälsosammast : En försöksmodell i GIS för ruttoptimering och beräknad inhalation av luftföroreningar för cykelrutter

Cycling is one of the most sustainable transport modes available and it is widely promoted inmany urban areas. The health benefits from cycling has shown to be substantial, includingdecreased risks of diseases related to overweight and enhancing brain capacity. However, inurban areas cyclists can temporaly be exposed to high levels of air pollution, resulting inhealth risks as opposed to health benefits.The objective of this thesis is to develop a rasterbased test model in GIS that estimates theinhaled dose of air pollution for cyclists based on relative particle concentration in differenttransportation micro-environments. The method used is a least-cost path approach,calculating three different routes; shortest, fastest and least dose for four different trips withinSödermalm, Stockholm.The results show that the inhaled particle dose can be greatly reduced, 39% - 58% for three ofthe routes, by choosing the least dose route. One of the most interesting findings is thesubstantial increase of dose when high levels of particles are combined with uphill cycling.The conclusion for the thesis is that a raster-GIS model can be very useful for estimating doseof different air pollution particles and chemicals along cycling routes.

Avel för hållbarhet och livslängd hos köttdjur

The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the possibilities to improve longevity and stayability of beef cattle with breeding. The breeding goal for beef breeds is to produce animals with high capacity for growth and good feed efficiency. Longevity and sustainability are two important features to include in the breeding goal. If longevity is increased each cow can produce more calves and the number of female calves used for recruitment can be reduced and only the best heifers need to be selected for breeding. The benefits of longer life is that it lowers the costs of recruitment animals, it increases the number of young animals that become available for slaughter, and it increases the proportion of high producing animals in the herds.

Ekonomiska sanktioner ur ett sjömaktsteoretiskt perspektiv

Fleets have the ability to affect an adversary?s use of the seas for transportation. Nations have in numerous occasions exercised this power in order to ravage their opponent?s trade in times of conflict with the purpose of diminishing their military might. Great naval thinkers like Mahan and Corbett have described this use of seapower during conflicts in great depth but theories regarding the use of seapower to affect a nation?s peacetime economy in order to achieve limited political goals is lacking.

Högskolebiblioteket i den pedagogiska processen

The information society creates new demands on the knowledge making individual; besides being literate one has to be information literate. And in the educational society there is an ongoing change from teaching to learning, the focal point being the active student and life long learning. The aim of this dissertation is to within a context of learning and teaching elucidate the relation between user education and subject education by examining what significance the academic libraries user education has for the development of information literacy within students. Some epistemological theories connected with learning is presented as well as aspects of the information search process and of information literacy. Universities and their libraries view of information literacy and the goal of their user education is being focused on in an empirical study.

Elevers uppfattning om svenskämnet i årskurs 3 på gymnasiet

The purpose of this study has been to investigate students? perceptions of the content inthe Swedish subject and current syllabus for Swedish in the third year of uppersecondary school. The purpose has also been to analyze if students are familiar with theaims they are working towards, how explicit they are and if they have any significancefor the students? results and motivation. This investigation is based on a socio-culturalperspective and was made with help of a quantitative method by using questionnaires,but has also been studied to some extent qualitatively, which have been analyzed from astudent angle.The analysis of the results shows that the students have very good perception ofwhat they should study in Swedish year three in upper secondary school.

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