

1247 Uppsatser om 3d-film - Sida 6 av 84

Jämförelse mellan två olika plastningsprinciper, Cross Pac kontra konventionell plastning :

Baled silage has become one of the most important conservation methods in Sweden. Because we take our grass as silage we get the quality and the good hygenic that we would like to have. Silage has become a big buisiness also in the horse feeding where many of the breeders have changed from the hay to the hay-silage. The difference between regular silage and haysilage is that the hay silage is dryer (60-70%DM). The hay-silage has also put higher demands on machinery and wrapping material since the grass gets sharper and harder to press together real hard. The main reason for the test was to compare two different systems for wrapping, the new Cross Pac and conventional.

Man ville vara modern : En analys av modernistiska strömningar i svenska stumfilmsaffischer

Purpose of this essay is to conduct a style analysis of Swedish silent film posters with visual storytelling and cultural memory as a theoretical basis. Concepts such as design, color and technique are studied to highlight the historical context of Swedish silent film posters..

Falling Feather - Magisk realism och dess påverkan på animerad film

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker hur en karaktärs fantasi kan gestaltas med genren magisk realism inom animerad film. Under arbetets gång har vi undersökt olika filmer med magisk realism som genre, så som Pan?s Labyrinth, Ally McBeal och Six Feet Under och The Science of Sleep. I detta arbete presenterar vi de metoder vi valt för att skapa en animerad film med genren magisk realism.

Romeo och Juliet som drama och film

We read different kind of texts every day. We can for example choose to read a book or to watch a film. While we read we can receive and interpret texts. That?s means, for example, that we can have different envisionments about the drama and the film based on it. Based on Langer?s reception theory about ?envisionments?, I?ve wanted to examine and clarify the differences and similarities of envisionments between two texts.

Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolan

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Katalogisering och presentation av film på bibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to discuss selected parts of cataloguing both from a practical and a theoretical viewpoint. It presents the basic grounds for cataloguing of printed as well as non-printed materials. The focus lies on the main entry heading and its author/title problem concerning film. The thesis theoretical part consists of an analysis of central documents dealing with the author concept from both a library- and information science perspective and a film science perspective. The practical part consists of interviews from two Swedish public libraries, which have different approaches on presenting films.

Samtiden reflekterad i historiska filmer

In this essay I have studied how the film industry in the USA has worked with history in movies ever since the birth of film. I have also studied if Swedish teenagers are influenced by the contemporary reflections often showed in these movies. Furthermore I discussed how to work with contemporary reflections on film in a classroom.In these studies I used a group of teenager in the eight-grade. I stated of by asking the teenagers a verity of questions about movies and their interests in movies. Afterwards I showed them four different scenes from two different movies which all included reflections to today?s society.

Att höra genre : Vad ljudet i filmens inledning berättar om genre

This study deals with a research on what the opening sounds in movies tell us about the story that we are about to follow. The purpose is to examine if and how the sound in the first five minutes of the movie contribute in giving information about the film?s genre. The theoretical base includes both genre theory and Michel Chion?s theory on film sound.

Musik och Film : Ett möte mellan två konstformer i Stanley Kubricks ?2001 ? a Space Odyssey? och Woody Allens ?Manhattan?

Filmmusic is often composed specially for a film. When analyzing film-music it seems very common to study the function of the music in a narrative context in order to see how it cooperates or relates to this narration. In the present thesis I am investigating the interaction between film and music as two ingredients on an equal level. In short: what happens when a filmmaker chooses music that has already been composed for another occasion, even in another time and a different cultural context? My aim is twofold: first to examine current film analytic strategies, secondly to find new ways of comprehend pre-composed music in relation to its new setting in a film.

Akusmatisk gestaltning : Filmljudets betydelse bortom bildens ramar

Kandidatarbetets innehåll undersöker och diskuterar frågeställningen: ?Hur påverkas narrativet i en film genom att gestalta ljudet akusmatiskt??. Med hjälp av teorier och slutsatser från filmteoretiker så som Michel Chion, David Sonnenschein och Klas Dykhoff, har vi till kortfilmen Alla ljuger skapat en ljudläggning med fokus på narrativa ljud utanför den rörliga bilden. Vårt resultat syftar till att skapa grunden till en svensk standardisering av de existerande teorier och metoder för gestaltning av akusmatiska ljud i film. The content of this bachelor thesis examines and discusses around the question: ?How does the implementation of acousmatic sounds affect the narrative of a motion picture??.

Video på bibliotek : en granskning av spelfilmsverksamheten på svenska folkbibliotek

This is the first investigation of the activity with feature film (video) in Swedish publiclibraries.Due to the Swedish copyright legislation, the activity with feature film in Swedish publiclibraries was not possible until an agreement was set between Kommunförbundet and SverigesVideodistributörers Förening in 1989.My investigation is based upon a form that I made in cooperation with Statens kulturråd.The form was sent to the main public libraries in the 286 municipals in Sweden. 250 (87 percent) of the public libraries answered the questions. 130 (52 per cent) of the libraries whoanswered had an activity with feature film.The main reason the libraries bought feature film, was that they hoped that feature filmwould attract new visitors to the library. The investigation also showed that high costs forhiring feature films has a negative influence on the lending of feature films..

Streamingtjänster av film och dess framtida utveckling som substitut för illegal nedladdning : Konsumenternas syn på digitala tjänster och de förbättringar som krävs för ett hållbart paradigmskifte

In this paper we aim to delve deeper into the film industry and how their approach to streaming services such as Netflix might be the solution to the problems with piracy (people downloading illegally instead of paying for the products) - but before they can change the mindset of people, they have to overcome some issues that might make it hard for the film industry to adapt a fully functionable streaming sollution in the veins of Spotify. To come up with some conclusions regarding this matter, we focused our study on the consumers rather than the industry in order to get a better understanding about what the consumers think about the streaming services of film that are offered today. We used both surveys and interviews in order to gather information regarding the consumers thoughts on how the landscape of film distribution has evolved to a point where Video-on-Demand offers the opportunity to watch movies and TV-series whereever and whenever they want. Our research shows that the majority of consumers are willing to pay for streaming services of film and hold the new technology in high regard. However, the concensus among the consumers that were involved in our study shows that the streaming services offered today have to evolve even further in the future before it can fully work as a substitute for illegal downloading.

Stereoskopisk 3D-film : En studie om tittarens upplevelse av 3D-film

Since the release of Avatar in 2009, the 3D movie industry has experienced an apparent growth. Almost all blockbuster movies are being released in 3D at the cinema, but the 3D format has been met with mixed opinions by the consumers. Some argue that 3D is the future, while others believe that the 2D format is enough for an appreciated movie experience. Through a qualitative survey, twenty participants with 3DTV in their homes answered questions regarding their experience of 3D movies and what improvements they desire. We suggest that 3D film creates immersion, realism and effects that 2D films can´t handle.

Fritidshemsbarn i möte med film : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur åtta fritidshemsbarn samtalar kring fiktiva berättelser som de tagit del av via film och hur de relaterar de fiktiva berättelserna till sitt vardagsliv.Den frågeställning som vi har utgått ifrån är:Vad pratar barn på fritidshem om när de samtalar kring film med fiktivt innehåll?Vad säger barn om hur fiktivt innehåll som de sett på film relaterar till deras vardagliga liv?Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer för att få fram empiri att analysera. Vi har utgått från barns perspektiv då vi har försökt att se världen ur barns ögon. Dalen (2008) skriver att forskare ska försöka uppmärksamma barns perspektiv om forskaren vill få kunskaper om barns upplevelsers och tolkningar av världen. Thomson (2008) skriver att studier som handlar om barn bör innehålla barns perspektiv då de är experter inom området.I vår metod har vi använt oss av gruppintervjuer då barnen i samspel med varandra fick chansen att prata om sina tankar och åsikter.

Brokiga nätverk och föreställda gemenskaper : En studie av Göteborg International Film Festival och Malmö Arab Film Festival med utgångspunkt i två teoretiska perspektiv på filmfestivalen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka två samtida svenska filmfestivaler, Göteborg International Film Festival och Malmö Arab Film Festival, utifrån två teoretiska perspektiv på filmfestivalen med den mer övergripande målsättningen att bidra till ett spirande och stadigt växande forskningsfält kring filmfestivalen i den nationella kontexten. De aktuella festivalerna inringar i förhållandevis god mån den svenska filmfestivalflorans allsidighet; en omfångsrik historisk publik festival respektive en smalare tematisk nykomling.                      De teoretiska perspektiven innefattar festivalen betraktad som en del av ett internationellt nätverk utifrån Thomas Elsaessers och Marijke de Valcks definition, samt som en kulturell yttring av föreställda gemenskaper. Med utgångspunkt i dessa teoretiska positioner kommer festivalerna granskas med fokus på dess uppkomst, visioner och agenda, filmprogram, publik, ekonomisk beskaffenhet och liknande kontextualiserade förhållanden.                      För Göteborg International Film Festival utgör spridningen av filmkultur, de huvudsakliga fundamenten i dess målsättningar och agenda, i synnerhet med fokus på nordisk film, medan tematiken, den arabiska kulturen, utgör det bärande för Malmö Arab Film Festival. Göteborg International Film Festival uppvisar i samstämmighet med de nätverksteoretiska perspektiven på festivalen en mångfacetterad beskaffenhet av filmceremoni, marknadsplats, internationell plattform och tävlingsmästerskap, i kontrast till Malmö Arab Film Festival där festivalens textur är mer komplex än föreliggande bestämningar. Båda festivalerna har uppstått i den post-industriella staden och dess återskapande som centrum för kreativitet, kultur och kunskap.                      Malmö Arab Film Festival adresserar en uppenbar arabisk (föreställd) gemenskap i sitt tematiska fokus.

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