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1968 som klyscha

This thesis aims to explore and investigate the use of the cliché ?68 in a contemporary Swedish debate. The sixties and especially 1968 is a historically significant year,and it is marked by political murders, protesting students and political energy. InSweden one of the most notable happenings was the occupation of the student union?s headquarters in Stockholm.

The Impact of Special Dividend and Redemption Announcements on the Swedish Stock Market

The aim with this study is to investigate the market reactions to announcements of special dividends and redemptions in Sweden and thus if these announcements can signal information. This study is an event study, where the event is the day of the announcement of a suggestion regarding issuance of special dividends or redemptions. The abnormal returns were estimated for two samples with the market adjusted returns model, one including special dividend announcing firms and the other redemption announcing firms. The signalling hypothesis and the hypothesis of a tax induced clientele effect are the most important hypotheses for this study. The efficient market hypothesis is another theoretical base that may explain the market reactions to the studied announcements, especially the pre-announcement activities that may occur.

Hur ser de kemiska principerna för mätning av metabolism med hjälp av indirekt kalorimetri ut? En metodjämförelse mellan Douglas-bag och Oxycon Stationary Pro

Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are usual measurements within the sports and training physiology. The same measurements are also common when it comes to establish the amount of energy that is used during work and to establish the intensity of work. The volume of oxygen that is consumed contra the volume of carbon dioxide that is produced can be used to calculate the metabolic rate within the human body. This calculation shows the percent relationship between carbohydrates and fat in the metabolism. The first accurate method to measure the breathing gases for use in metabolic calculation was established in the early twenty century when the Douglas bag method was introduced.

Evaluation of ELISA and rapid test for the analysis of fecal Calprotectin

ABSTRACTBackground Calprotectin is a protein found in the cytoplasm of neutrophile granulocytes. In the course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), calprotectin is released during chronic inflammation in the gut. Activation of neutrophils during the inflammation is followed by activation and secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules such as calprotectin. Calprotectin is stable in stool up to 7 days and can therefore be used as a non-invasive marker for diagnosis, treatment and measurement of the disease activity in patients with IBD. The most common method for analysis of calprotectin concentration is ELISA.

Finsk och svensk tvångsvård av missbrukare : En kvalitativ studie om argumenten för tvångsvård och vårdtid

The Swedish and the Finnish compulsory care legislation that regards abusers differ in several ways. The arguments for compulsory care and for the time which one will receive compulsory care are dissimilar. The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse which arguments for compulsory care and the length of the care time that has been expressed in the Swedish and the Finnish laws and in the statutes. The tools were an argumentation analysis, which is a form of qualitative text analysis method, combined with a hermeneutic scientific position. We have investigated the arguments that try to justify compulsory care and the care time that has been expressed in the laws and the statutes.

Fysiska strukturer i Umeälvens gamla älvfåra och dess inverkan på laxsmoltens utvandringsframgång

The survival of hatchery reared smolts is generally low after release. To get a better understanding of what variables affecting migration success, Atlantic salmon smolts were studied during their out-migration in the old river channel in the lower part of river Umeälven. The area consists of shifting habitat and complex structures which causes difficulties for smolt on their migration out to sea. The aim of this study was to try to determine the effects of feed restriction, fin conditions and different physical barriers in the river, on the migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon smolts in the river Umeälven. The river was divided into six different sections using acoustic receivers strategically deployed along the river. Two-year old hatchery-reared smolts (n=150), in three different weight classes, were tagged with acoustic transmitters.

?Det här var dagen då anonyma tonåringar via sociala medier startade ett upplopp i Göteborg? En studie över gestaltningen i fyra svenska tidningar av gatuoroligheterna vid ?Instagram-händelserna? i Göteborg år 2012.

On subsequent days, the 18th and 19th of December 2012, large groups of young people gathered to protest in the centre of Gothenburg. The gatherings mainly occurred outside two high schools: Plusgymnasiet and Framtidsgymnasiet. The reason behind the gathering has often been explained by the young people?s reaction to an Instagram account, on which offensive pictures and comments of and about young boys and girls had been published. As a reaction to the protest, police force including helicopters and mounted police, was sent to the streets.

Phycoremediation of pesticides using microalgae

Every year, pesticides are found in surface and ground waters in Sweden. Fungicides are in common usage and applied in high amounts against potato late blight. The present thesis examined the possible removal of four fungicides (metalaxyl, cyprodinil, propamocarb and mandipropamid) from water using the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Microorganisms are capable of decomposing a range of organic pollutants and the main focus in previously published studies has been on bacteria and fungi. Microalgae are mostly studied due to their high capacity in biosorbing heavy metals.

Förekomst av arteriell insufficiens : och samband till postoperativa sårinfektioner i de nedre extremiteternabland patienter som opererats med Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of arterial insufficiency in patients undergoing CABG surgery and whether arterial insufficiency is a risk factor for postoperative wound infections in the harvesting leg. Patients who had CABG surgery were enrolled consecutively. A total of 144 patients participated in the study. During their hospital stay demographic data was recorded, as well as pre-, intra-, and postoperative tests and risk factors. The patients answered a questionnaire regarding postoperative wound infections 30 days after surgery patients answered a questionnaire regarding infections.

Dagstidningar och damidrott : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av genusrepresentationen på sportsidorna i Sveriges största lokala- och regionala dagstidningar

According to earlier studies, men dominates the sports pages in Swedish newspapers. The gender balance is far from equal and the purpose of this thesis is therefore to look into how Swedish local and regional newspapers covered gender in their sports pages during the year of 2013. The study also examines the news values of men?s and women?s sports, whether there are any differences compared to previous studies and whether there are any differences across the country. The study uses a quantitative content analysis and the result is based on editorial material from six randomly selected newspapers in 18 randomly selected days.

Språkutveckling i en förberedelseklass : En studie gjord i en förberedelseklass i Södertälje

I have chosen to write this essay on language development in a preparatory class due to the fact that I live in a city where diversity is big and newly arrived students from different countries are constantly increasing in schools. My study has been made in a preparatory class in Södertälje. The National Agency for Education highlights the deficiencies in preparatory classes and believes that education is not adapted to each student's knowledge and maturity and it is therefore difficult for students to reach the goals in school. According to studies by the National Agency for Education, it appears that many newly arrived students do not recieve study guide in their native language, a resource that they are entitled to. Teachers and principals do not take charge of  students knowledge from previous school attendance in their home countries such as mathematics, history and other subjects.

Operationsklinikers riktlinjer och arbete med oavsiktlig anestesiinducerad hypotermi.

Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.

Vill du ha en snigel på ögat? : En kvantitativ undersökning om svensk public service-televisions innehåll över 34 års tid.

Our study shows if and how Swedish public service television has changed its content from the time when SVT had monopoly until this day when the competition is greater than ever. We got an insight in what has been presented to the audience by studying TV schedules from 1975 to 2009. The study examines four weeks during the years when the two main channels SVT1 and SVT2 have been broadcasting. One week each of these following years have been examined: 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2009. These years have been chosen to get an insight in what content the TV schedules presented before and after SVT got competition in the Swedish TV market.

Uppfödning av okastrerade hangrisar - ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris

Pigs kept for meatproduction are often surgically castrated to prevent aggression and boartainted meat. Castration without analgesia and anesthesia is painful and causes a lot of stress to the pig. There are alternatives such as to surgically castrate the male pigs with analgesia and/or with anesthesia, immunocastrate or keep them as intact males. In Sweden the most common practice is to surgically castrate the pigs before they are seven days old. The impact on the pig is that the incision causes pain and stress, which may lead to changes in behaviour, reduced appetite, reduced growth and a higher risk of infections.

"Ett lugnt hörn när det är kaos i världen" : en studie om varför barnprogrammet Bolibompa ser ut som det gör under och dagarna efter en katastrof

This study intends to examine why the Swedish children?s programme Bolibompa is produced the way it is during a larger catastrophe. Our intention was to find out how the editorial staff, in the children?s department in the public service television of Sweden (SVT),was handling the Estonia disaster, the September 11 attacks and the Asian Tsunami. To accomplish that, we first had to find out how the children?s programme looked during these catastrophes and also understand how the editorial staff was working with children?s programme during ordinary days.To achieve our purpose we have been interviewing five persons from SVT, who was involved in producing the children?s programme during these three catastrophes.

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