

606 Uppsatser om 34 Days - Sida 13 av 41

Facebök : En studie om förflyttning mellan nätverk

Aim: The aim of this study is to understand why people have changed their preferred community over time. What are the main factors when changing to a new one?Method/material: The method has consisted of personal interviews with six different people in the ages between 20-22 and of different gender. The main material that has been used in this essay is the theory of Uses and Gratifications as explained by Denis McQuail, the theory of Convergence culture by Henry Jenkins and the theory about Communites of Practice by Etienne Wenger.Main results: This study shows a heavy affection that the use of communities often centers round the people around the community, rather than the functions that the communities themselves provides. Having people that you know on the community you choose is a vital part for people or at least having the support of other people and changing to another community at the same time.

Effects of biogas residues on respiration and denitrification in arable soil : evaluation of methods, microbial activity and agronomic implications

Agricultural soils constitute the base in human food production and soil content of organic matter and plant nutrients together with soil microbial activity are all important parameters for high crop yield of good quality. These parameters are dependant on proper fertilization.Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes for biogas production generates a liquid residue called biogas residue (BR). It contains organic material and plant nutrients which makes ita potential fertilizer for arable cropping. However, it also contains heavy metals and toxic organic compounds and it is therefore in need of evaluation before usage.Microbial tests were performed aiming to evaluate the agronomic traits of four different BR and to find a viable procedure for evaluating slurry fertilizers. Two experiments where soil respiration and soil potential denitrification activity (PDA) was measured at fertilizer addition were performed.

Kroppen i det offentliga rummet En studie av performanceverken Twilight Walk och Göteborg Crawl

This essay aims to analyse the social and physical interaction through the body inpublic space, based on the performances Twilight Walk by The New Beauty Council,and Crawl, by William Pope.L. As part of the performance-programme CityExcavations from Gothenburg International Biennial of Contemporary Art 2011,artists occupied the streets of Gothenburg for a few days in June 2011. Through aninterpretation on performativity and feminism architecture-theory this essay looks intohow bodies integrate with public space; on how space potentially includes or excludesrepresentations of different bodies and the construction of (gender) identities. I wantto discuss how bodily performances such as movements, gestures, visual andemotional expressions interact with architecture and social contexts..

Medlemsundersökning SÖDRA Skog

This report is prepared in cooperation with Södra, Norra Halland SBO. The survey gives the members an opportunity to influence the services and also gives the staff at Södra a hint of the member?s demands.Södra is the largest co-operative forest company in Sweden with over 50 000 members and is divided into 31 areas. Norra Halland SBO is one of them.A questionnaire was sent to the members and 516 (or 53 %) of them answered. Of the respondents 68 % were between 60 and 69 years of age.

Skriftbruket hos två elever på yrkesförberedande program: En skriftetnografisk undersökning

This essay elucidates upper secondary students? literacy practices, (literacy events, literacy competencies and literacy culture) during a typical day, with focus on the daily literacy practices. A literacy ethnographic study conducted in the environment which participants naturally are, at home, at school and in leisure. The study is inspired of a project, Skriftbruk i arbetslivet, ´Literacy Practices in Working Life´, that conducted by Anna-Malin Karlsson, Per Ledin and Olle Josephson, in collaboration with Vetenskapsrådet ´Science Council´(2002-2004).The result of this study shows that students from professional preparing programs not use such literacy competencies that been tested in traditionally reading comprehension test, particularly much. However, do they read a lot during the literacy practices day by television, computer and mobile phone.

Barn och stress.

The purpose of this study is to show how the modern society, with demands, expectations and the time constraints of adults, affects children and the everyday life at the preschool. Our intention is also to show the importance of identify stress symptoms of the children.        The study is of qualitative empirical kind and is based on a questionnaire to 19 parents of preschool children at the age of three to five years old. Interviews are made with four preschool teachers on one preschool. An observation of children in possible stressful situations is made during three days each at two preschools.     The results show that the modern society affects children and can be stressful. It also affects the everyday life at the preschool.

Distriktssköterskors dokumentation i omvårdnadsjournal vid telefonrådgivning.

The aim of the study was to describe what district nurses, who work with telephone- advice, document in patient record, to be able to develop their documentation. The Authors have examined 50 patient records. The examination tool is collected from ?Lokal anvisning för hälso- och sjukvården I Södra Älvsborg?. The audit areas was record keeping, review and planning, realization, individual nursing and the patients participation, information, education and agreement.

Översyn av uppvärmning

The heating of companies premises is today functional with electrical heating and heating offossil fuel. The energy cost for these kinds of heating in buildings has heavily increased duringthe last years and the influence on the environment has become more visual. This leads to thatenterprises today become more anxious to render energy more effective and find alternativesolutions to their ancient heating systems. This is something that Skandinaviska kraftprodukterAB in Halmstad has become aware of.The purpose with this examination is to find the most cost-efficient and environmental measuresfor the office and workshop premises of SKP AB. Where one of the bigger things is to find agood alternative for their current oil furnace, which was heating the workshop.

Påverkar suggors grymtande under digivningen smågrisarnas tillväxt? :

The pig is unique in the way that it gives birth to a large number of newborns in each litter. Because of this the sow has developed a special behaviour during suckling to ensure that not only a part of the litter gets all the milk. Milk is only available during milk letdown. The piglets have to massage the udder for a long time before letdown and the more piglets at the udder the sooner the milk comes. The sow has developed a special grunting pattern to let the piglets know when she is ready for suckling and to signal milk letdown. Our aim with this study was to investigate if sows have individual grunting patterns repeated over time. We also wanted to know if sows with a more distinct grunting pattern have better growth in their litters.

"Att föräldrarna får vara sig själva är den stora vinsten" : en studie med betoning på den kortare inskolningsmodellen i förskolan

I have examined acclimatization models in pre-school. My emphasis is on the shorter acclimatization models. To begin pre-school is a big change, not only for small children, for the whole family as well. It is important to get a good acclimatization in pre-school, and one of the things it takes to achieve that is to interact with the parents. The reason why I chose this subject was because we have not studied much literature about this subject during our education to become pre-school teachers.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

FRAM i främmande farvatten : En funktionell resonans analys på högfartsnavigering i maritim miljö

This is a study that was conducted during a three day exercise of the Swedish Armed Forces called ?Amfibieförbandet?, which is shortened as AMF, in Gothenburg. During the exercise three scientists followed the crew on the boats and this is one of the studies that became the result of the observation made during the exercise. The boats that was used during the three days were the boat called ?Stridsbåt 90H? by the Swedish armed forces.

Den svenska arbetslöshetsförsäkringens effekter på långtidsarbetslösheten

This is an examination of the Swedish unemployment insurance system and the effects it has on the Swedish long-term unemployment. A search model is explained to give an understanding to the incentives of the unemployed. Different mechanisms that create unemployment and that could create long-term unemployment are investigated, but primarily the unemployment insurance is in focus.The Swedish unemployment insurance has undergone several changes the last fifteen years that have improved its efficiency. The introduction of a finite duration of unemployment insurance entitlement was an important step and so was the decrease in the replacement ratio. Even so, I assess that there is still room for improvements of the incentives to search for work among the unemployed.

Bruket och arbetarna : Arbets- och anställningsförhållanden vid Åtvidabergs kopparverk 1800-1890

This paper illustrates the working conditions at the copper factory in Åtvidaberg during 1800-1890 from different views. The highest salary was given to the building contractor. Thereafter came in order the rust turners, the garmaker, the melter, the ore booker, the factory supervisor and the garmaker hand. Also the rest of the working conditions for different employees might differ from each other in this order. The mine workers generally earned a little less than the other workers at the factory, and especially the workers in the Bersbo mine.

Går det att förebygga mobbning?

These days, schools are obliged by the law to prepare an annual plan for the prevention of bullying and degrading treatment. The purpose of my work is to investigate the 2 schools efforts to prevent bullying and abuse and how they live up to legal standards. But I have also examined how students in school are experiencing anti-bullying work in their school. I have also examined how much funding schools put on to prevent bullying I school. In this study, I have done interviews with school principals and students to have a clear picture about the school?s anti-bullying work.

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