

1156 Uppsatser om 24-hour urine collection - Sida 3 av 78

Buntning av grot med lastbilsmonterad utrustning :

During the transportation of logging residues (LR) the material´s low density is a problem that results in low use of pay-load capacity. Comminution or compression of LR are possible methods to increase pay-loads. In the present thesis studied a bundling machine which was mounted on a truck chassis, and the subsequent transport and crushing. The truck bundler created bundles that were larger and longer than other bundling equipment on the market. The objectives were to determine the total time consumption and its allocation over work element and machinery, to measure dry matter (DM) content of green and brown LR-bundles.

Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skogsbränsleuttag i klena gallringar : en tidsstudie av Vimek 608 BioCombi i contortabestånd

The annual demands for forest fuels increases in Sweden. At present, large unutilized biomass resources is found in young, dense forests from which about five million oven-dry tonnes (ODt) (23 TWh) could annually be extracted as forest fuel. But harvesting small trees give high logging costs and new cost-efficient harvesting techniques are therefore required. The aim was to study the productivity of Vimek 608 BioCombi in forest fuel thinning of Lodgepole pine and to calculate the economy of the harvesting and estimate the thinning quality. The time study was performed in Åmarken in the county of Västerbotten.

Ämnesordsindexering av ryttmästare John Andréns specialsamling : Utveckling av en indexeringsmodell utifrån teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv

This is an explorative study about subject indexing of a special collection of books, administered by the John Andrén Foundation at the library of Ystad. The study summarises a number of theoretical perspectives as well as some practical instructions on how to carry out the task. Theories have been placed into five different groups according to their various approaches to subject indexing. These have been analysed in regard to their usefulness to the Andrén collection. The authors have tested and evaluated six practical models on a selection of books from the Andrén collection.

Methane production from dairy cows : relations between enteric production and production from faeces and urine

Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) that contributes to the global warming. One of the largest sources of methane is livestock, preferably ruminants which alone counted for 30% of the total agricultural anthropogenic methane emissions in the year of 2000. The reason to why ruminants are such large contributors of methane are that the gas is produced in the rumen by enteric formation and leaves the animals by belching, exhaling or by the excreta.Diets high in concentrates can result in a lower emission of methane. Also diets with a high content of starch, such as alfalfa-grass, have a methane-decreasing. It is profitable to reduce enteric methane formation since that form of methane is unavoidably lost.

Att genom fiktion skildra en verklighet : En kvalitativ studie i hur maktstruktrurer beskrivs i BBC:s tv-serie The Hour

The objective of this study was to investigate how power relationships between journalists and politicians were shown in the fictional BBC tv-series ?The Hour?. We wanted to investigate how these power structures is narrated by the producers of the series and what impact the narration could have to the audiance of the 21th century.We choose to analyse a total of 12 scenes from all of the six episodes, which are all set in Britain during the beginning of the Suez Canal crisis in the 1950?s, all seen from a BBC editorial point of view.In our analysis we chose to use two different kind of methods, the first one was a situation analysis and the second one a text analysis. The situation method was useful to get a perception of the relations between the participants .The text analysis we used to analyse what was said in the tv-series and to interpret underlying motives.The fictional form necessitated a personalization of power structures, in the sense that each and every power was represented by a single character; political power was for instance represented by the character of Angus McCain.

Skogsbränsledrivare i klen förstagallring med contorta

The aim for the study was to examine a harwarder´s (combined harvester-forwarder) productivity when harvesting forest fuel in first thinning stands that contains Lodgepole pine and calculate the economy of the harvesting work and estimate the quality of the thinning . The field study area where located near Arvån, about 15 kilometres south ?east from the city of Lycksele. The field studies were taken place in three different stands. All tree stands had the same tree age, but the tree species combination and the density varied.

Är medieplaner värda besväret? En studie av medieplaner och medieplanering på tre svenska folkbibliotek.

The aim of this study is to look closer at collection development and the use of collection development policies in Swedish public libraries, with the help of a few examples. Through interviews with three librarians in three different public libraries and an analysis of these libraries? collection development policies, the authors try to find out how the creation of collection development policies takes place in these libraries, how these librarians use the policy, how these policies have been followed up and revised, and also to see what the policies of these libraries include. The material of the study suggests that a lot of work is required to write the policies, and that the written policy itself is seldom used by the librarians. The interviewed librarians still find the policies useful because the writing of them gave a detailed understanding of what the collection of the library contains.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Feromoninnehållande substansers effekt på hjärtfrekvensen hos kvigor i östrus och diöstrus :

With increased milkproduction in our dairy cattle, comes a risk for a reduced fertility. Studies performed on animals and humans have shown that it is possible to manipulate the oestrous cycle through exposure to pheromones. This means that pheromones could potentionally be used to make reproduction more efficient. To evaluate the bioactivity of the substances in question, there is need for a bioassay. In insects, pheromones can induce a changed cardiac activity.

World of Warcraft : En virtuellt social värld

In today?s modern society with high-speed connections covering the globe people are more than ever finding themselves gazing into the cold lights of the computer screen. On the other side a strange and exciting world yet to be explored awaits. Many are those who spend hour after hour running over green hills swimming in vast blue oceans in the lands of Azeroth, the playfield in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft. In media we often read and hear alarming reports on players stuck in this virtual world, ceasing to play a part in the real world.

Hopp som i hare : Om undanträngningens roll i arbetet med min diktsamling

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to analyse what roll repression has had in the making of my unpublished collection of poems entitled Hopp som i hare. I examine how the autobiographical subject abortion has influenced the writing process and the outcome of the poems. By presenting literature that?s been important in the making of the collection I show some thoughts and ideas about Post Abortion Stress Disorder, a diagnosis without scientific grounds. In a discussion I go through the whole writing process from subject and genre choice through the revisions till the final version that were sent to be commented by the class in creative writing at Växjö University 2008.

Feromoninnehållande substansers inverkan på hjärtfrekvensen hos tjur :

During the last 50 years the production of milk per cow has increased. This has, however, been followed by a decreased reproductive performance. Shorter and more indistinct signs of oestrus make it harder for the Swedish farmers to discover when the cows are in oestrus. There is a need for ways to control reproduction. The use of pheromones could possibly provide means to satisfy this need.

Hereditär nefrit hos bullterrier i Sverige :

Bull terrier hereditary nephritis is caused by a mutation that leads to an inadequate synthesis of collagen type IV, which is an important component in the basement membranes. The inheritance of the mutation is autosomal dominant in bull terriers and progression to renal failure takes variable time, from several months to ten years. Proteinuria is the first clinical sign of the disease and the diagnosis is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy of renal tissue where typical ultrastructural changes in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), thickening and multilaminar splitting are found. This study was performed in order to find out the occurrence of hereditary nephritis in bull terriers in Sweden through examination of urine samples and renal tissue and comparisons with how the disease is described in the literature. Urine samples from 76 Swedish bull terriers were collected and examined for proteinuria.

Den gränslösa samlingen: de fria webbresursernas plats i beståndsutvecklingen på några svenska forskningsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the management of free Internet resources in three Swedish research libraries. With the starting point in the increased quantity and importance of these resources, together with reflections on the change of the concept of collection, the thesis shows how and to what extent these freely accessible Internet resources are being integrated in the day-to-day work with collection development. It also elucidates the problems with the free Internet resources from the research libraries points of view. The study is based upon analyses of collection management literature and qualitative interviews with librarians at the chosen libraries. The thesis shows that the research libraries still have not come very far in their work of integrating the free Internet resources in their collections.

Genomgång av A-checkupplägg till Dash 8 Q400

In this report I summarize the thesis, which is about to check what will happen if you decide to increase the interval between the a-checks, carried out on the Norwegian airline Widerøe. They want to know if an increase in time between the checks can give them an opportunity of increasing their aircraft fleet. In the current situation Widerøe has 11  Dash 8 Q400 and can consider a possible increase of 3 planes. This would be done without the need to increase accessibility of the hangars and increase in staff.What determines how often a check is performed is the maintenance tasks which has the shortest maintenance interval. On the Dash 8 the shortest interval is 600 flight hours.

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