

512 Uppsatser om 2 § LVU boys - Sida 8 av 35

Studenters anvÀndning av kosttillskott och instÀllning till doping : En studie bland studenter vid Karlstads universitet

Background: There have been doping usage as far back as as ancient Greece and around the early 1900s started the doping we have today. In 2008 it was 22,000 men aged 15-54 years old who had any kind of experience with doping in Sweden. The problem of doping use are all over the world and to overcome this problem, we need to work across borders.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any connection between the use of supplements and attitude to doping. The study is based on the questions: is there any connection between the use of supplements and positive attitude to doping? is there any connection between the use of supplements/doping substances and high training frequency? and is there different use of supplement/doping substances between girls and boys?Method: A survey in form of a cross-sectional study and a waiting room survey was conducted with 63 respondents of whom 57,1% were women.

Hur kön konstrueras i tillÀmpningen av 3 § LVU i FörvaltningsrÀtten

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender is created in the Administrative CourtÂŽs application of care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act. The theoretical starting point is the gender perspective. My empirical work consists of 27 court cases from 2010 and 2011. These are investigated for common themes by a qualitative content analysis. The result and analysis consist of four court cases representing one theme each.

KASAM, betyg och stress : En undersökning om sambandet mellan KASAM, attityd till betyg samt upplevd stress hos gymnasieelever

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between SOC, attitudes towards grades, and perceived stress levels among adolescents, and whether there was any difference in this relation between gender. The first research hypothesis was: "there is a gender difference to the degree of SOC, attitude to grades, and perceived stress level". The second was that "SOC and attitude to grades, predict stress in adolescents". To answer these hypotheses, a questionnaire survey was carried out among upper secondary students, 95 boys and 89 girls. The result of the analysis showed a significant difference between the gender.

Skillnader och likheter gÀllande mobbning mellan flickor och pojkar i en monoetnisk- och multietnisk skola

The purpose of this study is to explore the differences and similarities regarding the causes of and approaches to bullying among a number of girls and boys in third grade in two schools. One of the schools is in a mono-ethnic area and the other in a multi-ethnic.The purpose isto compare the results between the schools and the questions proposed are:What is the reason for the bullying?What are the differences and similarities in existing opinions on the practice of bullying?What are the differences and similarities of students' opinions on bullying in a mono-ethnic and in a multi-ethnic school?I have chosen to use gender and ethnicity theories and the study was conducted through qualitative group interviews. The results have shown that boys' explanations for bullying are more aggressive than girls, although approaches to bullying were more related with violence among boys. The multi-ethnic school uses more direct bullying compared to the mono-ethnic school where indirect bullying occurred more often.

Genus i Barnets BÀsta : En jÀmförande studie av FörvaltningsrÀttens LVU-domar med fokus pÄ barnets eget beteende

Background/aim: The purpose of this sociological study "Genus in the Child's Best Interest" was to, from the Administrative Court's decree about the child's own behavior, further clarify the concept of the child's best interest by studying how the concept is expressed in decrees with focus on genus.Theory: Three genus theories, to compare girls and boys, Mary John's power theory, the grown ups definition of what the reality is and what it should contain, and a labeling theory, where the people with power are the ones to define what's normal and what's not, have been used to analyze the result in this study.Method: A content analyses was used to analyze the decrees, with the focus on girls and boys between the ages of 12 to 19, where they have been forced into treatment by the law.Result: The concept of a child's best interest does make a difference between girls and boys in the decrees, and the girls have more power because they have more room to express themselves and are less responsible for their thoughts and actions. The concept is possible to use, but the definition is subjective and could be colored by the societies values and norms..

LÀrares instÀllning till genus och könsroller : en attitydundersökning

AbstractA Vindication of the Rights of Woman was written by Mary Wollstonecraft. It was published in 1792 and as the titel reveals it dicusses what kind of rights women ought to have. Several authors, who have argued that women should not have the same rights as men, are mentioned in the book. One of them is Rousseau. His thoughts about different education for girls and boys are shown in Émile.

Sociala och emotionella interventioner i skolans vÀrld. : Vad hÀnder med karaktÀren hos eleverna?

The purpose was to investigate whether using two type of interventions (i.e., Four rooms of change in school and EQ- workshop) in addition to curriculum guidelines can affect character development in children 10-12 years of age. The data was collected using the test Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI; Cloninger, CR, 1994) in three elementary schools among students in fifth grade who had been involved in any of the two interventions for the past two years or no intervention at all.The J-TCI scales were used to, besides the seven personality dimension it measures, create a self-constructed empathy scale. A total of 55 participants were included in the study (girls n = 26 and boys n = 29). Statistical testing with MANOVA showed no significant main effect on empathy or any personality trait. There was however an interaction effect between intervention and gender on the character traits.

Naruto mon amour : Maskulinitet i shonen manga

In this study I examine the representation of masculinity in the manga, Naruto. The manga is about the orphan Naruto, who, together with other children goes to a ninja school. Boys and girls study and practice together, at first sight seemingly without emphasized gender differences. As the story continues, the gender differences are, however, quite obvious and to the boys advantage.I find the difference between Naruto and other popular culture ususally presented to pre-bubertal and teenage boys to be considerable. Whereas the domination of women and the message that you can get as far as you wish, are common in American and west produced popular culture as well as in Naruto, the difference lies in how the success is achieved. The men in Naruto reach their goals by allowing their feelings to be seen and expressed.

Utsatthet för mobbning inom skolÀmnet idrott och hÀlsa

The aim has been to see if physical education (PE) is more an arena for bullying than swedish language education, in a swedish urban school. Furthermore to get an insight in the students sense of exposure to bullying in the locker room and during PE class. In the purpose is also included to analyse the answers in a gender perspective.Questions are: Is PE to wider extent an arena for bullying compared to swedish language education? Is the students? opinion that they feel worried about being and changing clothes in the locker room due to other students bad intentions? Do the students think that boys and girls bully in different ways?The method used is a questionnaire answered by 69 students in seventh and eighth grade in Åsö compulsory school. Furthermore, interviews has been made with a boy, a girl at the school and a teacher in PE to get a deeper insight above the questionnaire.Results of the study showed that the students to a wide extent, 100 % of the girls (g) and 89 % of the boys (b) thought that bullying can look different between PE and swedish language class.

Ungas psykiska hÀlsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrÄn ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations.

Ungdomar och datorn : Vilken roll spelar datorn i ungdomars liv?

How does the computer influence teenagers' lives. I interviewed five young people, and gave a questionnaire to another 47, about this.What I found was that they were aware of and handled well the risks with the Internet and the computer, but had problems with the computer taking too much of their time. They wanted more time for their families and outdoor activities. It was mainly the Internet that seemed to have an influence on the teenagers, not the computer as a machine. They told me that there was a rough climate on the Internet, partly because of the possibility of being anonymous.

Fysisk status hos pojkar med typ 1 diabetes

AimThe aim of this study was to survey the physical fitness in boys with type 1 diabetes (IDDM). The results were compared to a control group with healthy boys that have preformed the same tests in other studies. Our questions were:1. How does BMI relate between IDDM-children and healthy peers?2.

"Generellt Àr flickor svÄrare" : - En studie om skolans upplevelser av barn med ADHD i Kalmar kommun.

This paper studies the schoolstaffs experiences of children with ADHD within the region of Kalmar kommun. The aim is to describe and analyze these experiences from a gender perspective. The study is of a qualitative art and is based on six interviews whith school principals. The theory that is used to analyze the six interviews is the theory of socialconstructivism. The study shows that boys and girls generally is treated differently by the schoolstaff.

Genus i barnboken : En undersökning om hur flickor och pojkar skildras i barnböcker

The purpose of this research is to analyze six children?s books from a gender perspective and thereby investigate in what way boys and girls respectively are portrayed in books.My general question is:How are boys and girls portrayed in children?s books?This question has been broken down into four minor questions:What type of clothes are the people wearing? Are people predominantly male or female? Have people specific attributes which are linked to their sex? Are people performing specific actions which are linked to their sex?In my research I have combined quantitative and qualitative methods and my theoretical framework has been gender.This study reveals a change in children's books with respect to how the different genders are portrayed. The progression is towards a more equal portrayal but despite this, patterns typical for the respective genders shine through..

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tÀnkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till Àtstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

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