

512 Uppsatser om 2 § LVU boys - Sida 13 av 35

LÀrandets komplexa processer : Om maskulinitet och subjektsskapande i en teknikklass pÄ gymnasiet.

My own experiences as an upper secondary school teacher and the increase in research on masculinity in educational settings that occurred during the late 1990 emphasizing on the gender gap in achievement and grades is the point of departure for this thesis. The aim is to investigate how boys in upper secondary school are constituted and constitute themselves as motivated and achieving learning subjects. Another aim is to see what possibilities there are to form different teaching practices to create other possible positions for me and the pupils. The research questions are 1) How does boysŽ construction of masculinity constitute how they see their own ability to be motivated and achieve in school 2) What significance do my shifting approaches and expectations on the pupils as well as teaching have on the boys constitution as learning subjects? To answer these questions I use a theoretical framework of feminist poststructuralist.

Normering av test av intraoral stereognosi och tvÄpunktsdiskrimination : Hos barn i Äldrarna 5;6 - 7;0 Är

The oral sensory ability in children can be assessed through test of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Currently, these two tests are not frequently used in clinical settings, and normative data are not always available. The aim of this study was to establish normative data for these two tests in children aged 5;6 to 7;0 years. Further, intention was to compare the results with respect to age and gender. In total 103 children participated, 49 boys and 54 girls.

Vad skriver de? Hur tÀnker de? : En undersökning av högstadieungdomars skrivvanor och skrivintresse

In the discourse of teaching it?s often mentioned that the pupil?s previous knowledge and experience plays an important part in the process of learning. For the teachers it?s in general crucial to be familiar with their pupils abilities and skills, talents and shortcomings in order to successfully teach them. Knowledge and an understanding of their pupils, also helps the teacher to organize and customize a successful teaching for each individual.

Barns möten med interaktiva medier

This essay deals with children?s and adolescents? use of interactive media as a tool for doing relations with each other. The purpose is to increase the understanding of the impact interactive media has on pupils? relations and identity development both in school and on their spare time. The school system?s mission is not only to teach formal knowledge and facts but also to train children?s social skills and abilities.

Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-sprÄket hos svenska högstadieungdomar

This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.

Ungdomars attityder till sex

Sexuality has an important role in human life and there are many opinions about how to handle questions about sexuality. The attitudes have change over time and differ between different cultures, gender and age. This study deals with the question about youth attitudes to sex and personal relationships and what impact the education in this filed have on the youth. We have also studied how the education is organized. To get answers to these questions we have performed a questionnaire study among 116 students in grade seven to nine in an elementary school in Western Sweden.

Dominerad av Dominans : en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar/unga mÀn med rötter i den muslimska vÀrlden förhÄller sig till etniskt svenska mÀn och vad detta förhÄllningssÀtt innebÀr för deras egna förestÀllningar om maskulinitet och heder

Islamic masculinity which quite often associates with oppression of women has remained an underexaminated category despite its constant presence in the debate on honour related oppression. Honour has primarily been studied from a feminine point of view and theories of masculinity have taken insignificant interest in the issue of honour. The aim of this study is to understand what attitudes boys/young men from the Muslim world have toward native Swedish men and what these attitudes do imply for their own conceptions of masculinity and honour. The ambition of this study is also to make explicit the similarities, differences and connections between honour and masculinity.The empirical basis of this study consists of twelve interviews with boys/young men from the Muslim world about their notions of honour and masculinity. The theoretical platform arises from theories of masculinities and honour.Some prominent ?patterns? that I have found:- That religious norms and rules appear to be significant in how the masculine manners of conduct should be adjusted.- That honour and women as carriers of men?s honour, play a crucial role for the constitution of proper masculinity.- That the Swedish context and its policy of equality seem to threaten the obviousness of the islamic masculinity.

Difficult/troublesome boys and girls - constructions of young offenders

Den hÀr uppsatsen Àr en kvalitativ fallstudie dÀr konstruktioner av unga lagövertrÀdare har undersökts utifrÄn socialkonstruktivistisk teori. De huvudsakliga frÄgestÀllningar var: Hur konstrueras bilden av den unge lagövertrÀdaren i domstolsprocessen? Hur konstrueras bilden av den manliga respektive kvinnliga unge lagövertrÀdaren i domstolsprocessen? Undersökningen bestÄr av litteraturstudier och observationer av rÀttegÄngar med unga lagövertrÀdare. Totalt 45 stycken observationer gjordes. I resultatet framkom att rÀtten i samtliga fall dömde objektivt och i enlighet med lagen men att ungdomars attityd och upptrÀdande i rÀtten bidrog till rÀttens konstruktion av honom eller henne.

Vem förstÄr mig? : En essÀ om hur vi pedagoger i förskolan kan bemöta och hjÀlpa barn med sprÄkstörning

This essay covers the subject of children with language disorders. We are two educators writing an experience-based essay on our preschool experiences and the literature with the subject of speaking disorders and verbal development. The main focus of this essay is how educators can recognize and stimulate children with language disorder. The starting point in the essay is two experience-based events from preschool which tells of two different boys, aged three and four. Both boys have some kind of verbal disorder and one of them also has DownÂŽs syndrome.

Tre vanliga grabbar : En studie om platsens betydelse för delaktighet och identitet

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the places importance for young people with disabilities. The study?s central questions are what type of places they visit and what characterizes them. It is also about answering the questions why the places are visited and what meaning this has for participation and identity. The studyÂŽs central concept is room/place, participation and identity.

?Den svÄraste gruppen att nÄ?: Folkbiblioteks marknadsföring till pojkar i högstadieÄldern

The object of this bachelor thesis is to examine how publiclibraries are working to reach out to boys in their early teens,and from a relationship marketing perspective see howlibraries are using marketing as a tool in creating long-termrelationships with this user group. The following questionsare asked: How do public libraries market themselves toboys in their early teens? How are children?s and youthlibrarians working to create long-term relationships with thisuser group? How do children?s and youth librarians viewmarketing as a way to create long-term relationships with theuser group? The theoretical framework of the study is EvertGummesson?s model of relationship marketing. Interviewswith five children?s and youth librarians make up theempirical data.

Skolbibliotek och jÀmstÀlldhet. En intervjustudie pÄ ett mindre antal skolbibliotek

This thesis investigates gender equality at a few Swedish elementary school libraries, and how school librarians at these libraries work with gender equality issues. It is a semi-structured interview study conducted with staff at seven elementary school libraries. Several policy documents state that the school should be a gender-equal environment, but previous research shows that there is still a lack of gender equality, and that staff often treat boys and girls differently. It also shows that boys and girls are often portrayed in a gender-stereotypical way in children?s literature.

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonÄringar sin aktivitetsnivÄ? : En jÀmförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Objective:This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys.Design:55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children?s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis.Results:The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation.

HÀlsofrÀmjande skolans verksamhet pÄverkan av elevernas teoretiska inlÀrning

ABSTRACTThe purpose with the investigation was to find if there is a relation between daily health active and too reusing theoretic learning for health promotion school?s pupil. In the investigation I have focused into if the Health promotion school?s student has better result at the nation?s test (NT) in Swedish, English and in mathematic in the fifths grade, than the ordinary school that isn?t health promotion school. The personal feelings of the two schools are that there is a connection between health active and too reusing theoretic learning.

?Man fÄr tÀnka pÄ att bromsa nÀr man faller in i att pojkar ska behandlas tufft och flickor mjukare? : En kvalitativ studie om tre pedagogers uppfattningar och arbete kring genus och jÀmstÀlldhet i förskolan

The purpose with this study has been to understand and analyze how teachers, working with children in the ages of 1-3 years, understand and work with the concepts of gender and equality in preschool. The study has been completed through interviews and observations and is based on three key questions, which are: How pedagogues in the pre-school interpret the concepts of genus and equality? How are boys respectively girls received and treated by the pedagogue in the pre-school? What similarities and/or differences can be seen in the way that the preschool pedagogue treats boys and girls? The study's method is based on a qualitative approach. The main research methods for this study are observations and interviews. I have been interviewing three teachers from the same pre-school, located in a suburb in Stockholm as well as observed them during work.

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