

512 Uppsatser om 2 § LVU boys - Sida 1 av 35

Hur pojkar och flickor tar och fÄr ordet i klassrummet. : Ur ett genusperspektiv

The text is about behaviour and appearance of boys and girls in the classroom in a gender perspective. How are the boys and girls placed in the classroom, and does this affect them in any way? How boys and girls are called on to speak. Is the teacher fare in the allocation of speech? There are a lot of differences between the genders, boys and girls are placed in a special way.

VÀgen bort : En textanalytisk studie av rÀttsdomar

The intention with the study is to describe the home and life conditions for boys at the age range between 13 to 18 year, who has been under custody according to the § 2 LVU.The empiric is 21 real court cases, judged in Stockholm and to Stockholm counted surround-ings 2006, in which the range of the boys were representative.A text analyze method is used to execute the study. The study penetrates the life situation of the caregiver and how their situation affects the boy and the boys actions.The total conclusion of the study, based on an ecological evolution perspective, is that life-situation of the caregiver affects the boys and the boys actions.The boys are affected negatively by the situation of their caregivers, and according to the study, the boys have established own problems, like difficulties in school, criminality, or other psychological diagnoses. They are also often exposed to physical or psychological violence by the caregiver. Additionally the conclusion is that the caregiver neglect the boys in many other ways, prior themselves and their needs before the boys..

Pojkar och stress: en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar och fritidsledare diskuterar och tÀnker om stress hos pojkar

The aim of this paper is to examine how boys in grade nine experience and handle stress, to find reasons why stress occur and what help the boys can get to handle stress in a good way. Our supervisor was Gunilla Lindén. In our study we used qualitative interviews to answer these questions. We interviewed four fifteen- to sixteen-year-old boys and two recreation in-structors. We also conducted a group interview with the boys.

Skolsituationen pÄ fem sÀrskilda ungdomshem : En studie utifrÄn intervjuer med pedagoger

The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of the school for boys 15-21 years of age lacking compulsory school attendance and is being located at five residential care units from the pedagogues? point of view. The study was conducted by interviewing four pedagogical leaders and two teachers. The results demonstrate that the boys can choose the subjects they study as well as the amount of time they spend on studying each week. The teachers include non-learning activities during their lessons.

LÀsning Àr inte min grej: en undersökning av nÄgra tonÄrspojkars attityder till lÀsning

This study is about fourteen-year-old boys, who are not interested in reading. It deals with what thoughts and feelings some boys have around books, reading and libraries. Further the study investigates the boys' leisure activities and their making of identities. The study is built on interviews among twelve boys in a secondary school. The result is compared to earlier reports and research.

Varför slutar barn att sjunga? : En studie om barns sÄngutveckling ur ett genusperspektiv

The study deals with three questions concerning attitudes to singing: When does the joy of singing with girls and boys change to a feeling of ?I can not sing?? What is it that affects them? Are there any differences between girls and boys attitudes to singing?A questionnaire with 12 questions about singing was distributed to 5 girls and 5 boys in (Swedish) grade 1, 4 and 8. It turned out that the girls in the study ?play with singing? together or by themselves, while the boys are satisfied singing in school on music lessons. Because of this, the singing interest for boys gets lower and lower between 10 and 14 years.

Varför lÀser pojkar sÄ lite skönlitteratur? : Vilka orsaker ger de sjÀlva?

I have in this thesis looked at the reasons for why boys, in upper school classes, read so little fiction. Several surveys show that boys in their teenage years stop reading fiction. If they read fiction it is only as a school assignment and not as leisure. There has been research done in boys attitude towards literature, but there hasn?t been any research done asking them about why they don?t read fictionI have interviewed a group of boys about their reasons, and attitude, for why they don?t choose to read fiction on their spare time after school.

Att stimulera pojkars lÀslust. Bibliotekariers lÀsfrÀmjande arbete inom ramarna för den ordinarie verksamheten.

The aim of this thesis was to examine the ways in which librarianswork to stimulate the joy of reading in boys. Four children- andschool librarians were chosen for interviews in which they wereasked questions about boys' reading and the approaches they usedto help boys. The librarians were asked if they perceived boys'reading as problematic, what methods they used to stimulate thejoy of reading and if they thought it would be helpful to work withboys and girls in different ways. They were asked what theythought was the biggest challenges in changing the boys? attitudestowards reading and what they would do if they could choosefreely without any constraints in time or money.Aidan Chambers' "The circle of reading" was used to compare atheory about reading to the ways in wich the librarians worked andtheir thoughts about how to initiate reading.

Om pojkars situation i hederskulturer

Girls in honour cultures have been the subject of many studies and are often debated in the media. The purpose with this study was to focus on boys in honour cultures. I wanted to understand the situation of boys in honour cultures with a perspective of the rights of children. My central questions were: How is it to be a boy in honour cultures? Are boys in honour cultures exposed? How are they exposed? My study was a qualitative study in which I interviewed four professionals who meet boys in honour cultures in their work.

"Det Àr bra som det Àr" : - En studie om hur ungdomar konstruerar kön pÄ en fritidsgÄrd.

The aim of this study was; from a group of boys and girls description and interpretation of interaction with other young people, personnel and the environment of the youth centre illuminate how the social gender are constructed and maintained at the youth centre. In this study we have tried to analyse the phenomena from an intersectionalistic perspective. Except gender, the analytic category social class have been tried to capture. Our theoretical standing point is social constructivism. Institutionalized structures in our society are constructed by humans, gender is not only a biological construction it is also a man created construction.

Pojkars instÀllning till dans : En studie i Sverige och Sydafrika

This work has been to find out what attitude the boys have towards dancing. To gather material conducted interviews with four boys from Sweden and four boys from South Africa to examine the boy?s attitude towards dancing. I wanted answers if the gender, culture or generation has an effect on the boys' attitude to dance. Two interviews were made with a teacher in Sweden and one in South Africa, which had responsibility for dance lessons at the school.

Pojkarna mot strömmen : en studie kring nÄgra lÀsintresserade pojkars lÀs- och biblioteksvanor

A study around some fourteen and fifteen year old boys, who are interested in reading. It is about their reading and library habits, what has created their interest and where they acquire access to literature. A certain amount deals with the habits of the boys? school-friends in this subject. The result compares with earlier made reports.

JÀmstÀlldhet i förskolans verksamhet : En observationsstudie om hur pedagoger förhÄller sig till flickor och pojkar ur ett könsperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to look into if the pedagogues who participate in this study treat children differently depending on their sex. The purpose was then divided in three research questions which were: Attention: How much verbal attention and eye contact with the pedagogue are girls/boys getting? Choice of words: Are there any differences in the choice of words the pedagogues are using against girls/boys? Address: How does the pedagogue address girls/boys, are there any differences? The tone of the voice and how the pedagogue address girls/boys belongs in this category. The study was observed with video camera in four different circle time situations, two circle times for each preschool. Data were then analyzed with an observation schedule based on the three research questions.

TonÄrspojkar och identitet: om den skönlitterÀra lÀsningens betydelse

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the impact of spare time reading fiction on the identity of teenage boys, and what it really means to them. To investigate this, we have focused our investigation on how teenage boys relate to and what they search for in their reading. The data collection is based on 8 interviews with boys in the age between 14 and 15 and on literature on the subject. The theoretical framework focuses on the reading theories of Joseph A. Appleyard, the transactional theory of Louise M.

En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i socialt arbete ser pÄ sitt ledarskap

The aim of this study was; from a group of boys and girls description and interpretation of interaction with other young people, personnel and the environment of the youth centre illuminate how the social gender are constructed and maintained at the youth centre. In this study we have tried to analyse the phenomena from an intersectionalistic perspective. Except gender, the analytic category social class have been tried to capture. Our theoretical standing point is social constructivism. Institutionalized structures in our society are constructed by humans, gender is not only a biological construction it is also a man created construction.

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